108. Patch size, fine-scale co-occurence and competition in forest litter linyphiids. Publication n° 108. 1990

Titre : Patch size, fine-scale co-occurence and competition in forest litter linyphiids.
Auteurs : Jacques Leclerc & Patrick BlandinDate : 1990Revue : Acta Zool. Fennica 190

Pagination : 239 à 242

Résumé :  The fine-scale repartition and co-occurence of the different species of sheet-web spiders found in a deciduous forest litter is estimated by means of transect sampling at two fixed stations and three periods of the years (spring, mid-summer and fall). A variance to mean ratio test was applied on blocked data to find the scale of aggregation wich is a function of the microhabitat patch size. Probability of co-occurence between species was calculated at each block size. One of the predictions is that similar species should co-occur at the patch size scale but should replace one another at a finer scale if interference competition is effective.

Mots clefs : Fine-scale; patch size; forest; litter; linyphiids; sheet-web spider; Foljuif; Competition;